Sunday, October 21, 2007

just sitting...

Thinking about random things today...

Wondering how a week that was going to be nearly empty, is suddenly quite full.

Trusting again that moments of rest will come in the midst of the full schedule.

Reading a quote that's hanging on the wall beside my desk:

"What lies before us and what lies behind us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." (anonymous)

Loving the truths I'm slowly coming to understand in these words.

Loving the book "Prince Caspian" again lately... a number of scenes are speaking deeply to my heart, and have been for several months...

Letting Jason Upton play in the background, his worship quieting my soul. Looking forward to attending a conference he's playing and speaking at in a couple weeks.

Just sitting. That's what I'm feeling at this moment. Just sit. Breathe.

Going to make tea, and get ready to head out for church in a couple minutes, but for the moment, just sitting.