Monday, September 10, 2007

Continuing the Cohen Theme

Some of my own words tomorrow or the next day, I promise, but in the meantime...

I was paging through some notes I made when I read Leonard Cohen's latest book of poetry, "The Book of Longing" late last year, and came across the following poem, which describes, just a little, how I'm feeling this week about my relationship with God. Things are feeling new and alive and fresh again for the first time in quite some time. New and beautiful. I feel alive, and that's something that's always worth celebrating.

How Could I Have Doubted
I stopped looking for you
I stopped waiting for you
I stopped dying for you
and I started dying for myself
I aged rapidly
I became fat in the face
and soft in the gut
and I forgot that I’d ever loved you
I was old
I had no focus, no mission
I wandered around eating and buying
bigger and bigger clothes
and I forgot why I hated
every long moment that was mine to fill
Why did you come back to me tonight
I can’t even get off this chair
Tear run down my cheeks
I am in love again
I can live like this


Faye said...

That is some powerful imagery.