Sunday, June 17, 2007

Still thinking about rhythm

It's funny, how things can go so well for weeks, how I can seem to have a handle on life, how it feels smooth, and like I'm finally making progress with stuff, and then in one week it can all fall apart. I talked about that in my last post.

However, I'm still thinking about rhythms and the effects of losing them.

It has taken me a sick day, a full evening, a full day, and most of another day of doing nothing to begin to feel like I'm recovered and can face other human beings again. Crazy... I was thinking tonight about those moments during years of synchronized swimming where I would lose count in the middle of a figure or a routine as I was learning it. You'd pretty much have to wait until the next sequence came before you could jump back into the flow of the routine. That's what this week has felt like - those moments when I lost the beat of the music, the rhythm, and had to stop entirely.

Maybe this has been a valuable lesson... I certainly will guard my time and space more carefully in upcoming days and weeks...

And with that, I'm going to do a bit of vegging before going to bed soon.