Thursday, May 17, 2007


The voice inside my head that translates thoughts into writing has been strangely silent the last few days. Almost like I dumped enough stuff out that it doesn't feel like my head will explode if I don't write down just that one more thing. (In case you're wondering, this is a VERY good thing! It means I'm feeling more at peace and less overwhelmed than I have in a while.)

I started reading a great book on youth ministry this week. It's explaining to me in a very clear way why I've been so unhappy and ill at ease in the church I attend and do youth ministry at. It's challenging me for the future (though I don't know if much youth ministry is actually in my future I know there will be counseling in my future, and I have a heart for young women, so I figure it applies). It's shaping my thoughts about life and faith.

I'll tell you all about it and give you some great quotes once I finish reading it.

In the meantime, I'm off to pick up my brother and hang out with a mutual friend who heads back overseas for a month this weekend.

See you soon.


That Squirrel said...

Sometimes that voice is a little too loud! :p