Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Secret to Blog Hits

I've discovered the secret to blogging success (assuming of course that success is measured purely in numbers!) Just mention Patrick Dempsey's name on your blog, and your hits will go up overnight!

Seriously, that's what happened! I mentioned that Megs and I didn't like Patrick Dempsey's character in "Freedom Writers" which we watched last night, and my hit meter jumped overnight. Crazy.

This has now become a goal of mine... perhaps I'll try and work Patrick Dempsey into every blog post I write for the next while, even the deep spiritual ones. It could be a fun game!


That Squirrel said...

:D haha what a cool idea! I love your blog by the way, especially that cool quote for a description. It reminds me of that "voice of truth" song. Do drop in at my blog anytime!