Friday, May 25, 2007

The End of a Balancing Act?

I feel like I’ve been walking this bizarre tightrope/balancing act in a whole bunch of arenas of my life for a very long time now.

The line between honoring God and honoring my parents.

The line between the intellectual and the experiential.

The line between the world I grew up in, and the world I find myself a part of.

The line between individualism and community.

I’m tired of the balancing. I never have liked middle ground – too exposed – being shot at from both sides. I’m wondering what would happen if I just let myself fall? What if I just picked a side, and tumbled off the tightrope? Can I do that? I don’t know if I can keep up the balancing act much longer…


Anonymous said...

...perhaps it is more about fully embracing "the tension" of all the parts than trying to "balance" all the differences...

just a thought.

bless you lisa


Lisa said...

Sheri... knew it was sort of about the tension even in the moments I was writing, but really wanted to be kind of morose, and really wanted to let go of some of this stuff...
it was an interesting week... I'll probably write about it soon... (or maybe I'll just email you!)


That Squirrel said...

Balancing things can be tough..and at times can tear you apart. My sisters wants to do a dts course but my parents think she needs to build her career now. I always wanted to something artsy but ended up doing engineering and business because that was the "right" choice. And then there's society telling you to just get married to someone and get it over with instead of "waiting for someone right". Listening to both sides can confuse us even more. I'm learning to shut all that out and see where God really wants me. I hope things sort out for you as well soon! :)