Monday, April 16, 2007

Sick Day

I have been having a very quiet and relaxing sort of day. I woke up this morning to my alarm, feeling pretty crummy. Slightly queasy, very achy, and generally exhausted. After thinking about it for a while, I made the decision to stay home from work today.

I haven't regretted it. After a quick email to my office, letting them know I wasn't going to make it in, I headed back to bed and slept for another couple hours. In the time since I woke, I've done a bit of creative stuff for future collage projects, watched a couple movies, and just generally done very little that requires strong mental engagement. And I'm feeling better for it, more rested (though I think I may curl up with a novel and read myself into another nap when this post is finished!) and more ready to face the world again tomorrow.

See you later!


Unknown said...

yawn, now you got me sleepy.