Saturday, April 21, 2007

New Feature

I've added a new feature to the sidebar of my blog. I've decided to make a list of the stuff I'm reading. I'm only going to list the non-fiction books (I read probably 2-3 novels a week, and tend to re-read novels so I don't feel a particular need to list them.) I'm also trying to make a greater effort to read things that are spiritually challenging - to pay attention in my own life to the quotes on spiritual reading from Henri Nouwen that I put here earlier in the week. As I finish a book, I'll add it to the list, with the most recently finished book being at the top of the list.

I'll probably still post pretty regularly about the stuff I'm reading, and to be honest, the list is more of a way for me to keep track of what I've read than anything else, but if you're interested, check the list out.