Thursday, March 01, 2007

The Winter Blahs

I’m over winter. I mean really. 6 cm short of record snow-fall in February. I heard somewhere that we had 3 times the average snowfall this February. I picked my best friend up at the airport last night from a flight that was about 2 hours late due to bad weather where she was flying from complicated by bad weather in Calgary. As we brushed the four day accumulation off of her car in my driveway at midnight last night, she commented, “Who moves to a place where they have weather like this all the time?” I laughed at her, because she moved from the much more temperate West Coast to Calgary. She’s just sensitive because she got used to all that nice weather in Pakistan.

Now me, on the other hand – I have full complaining rights. I am a born and bred Calgarian, and like any good Calgarian, I do love to hate the weather. Have I mentioned in the last week or so that one of my goals in life is to live somewhere where I can wear skirts year-round without the risk of frostbite? My work wardrobe is severely limited when the weather and necessity of walking to and from the train confines it to pants and sweaters!

Do you think it will help if I declare the official end of winter? (I’m jealous of Nolan and his plans to leave for California soon – much better weather there!)