Monday, March 19, 2007

Prayer Request

Hey all, if you have a minute, I'd appreciate it if you'd pray for my baby brother (and by baby, I mean 18 years old, 6 feet tall!)

He's a music student at a local school. For the last semester, he hasn't been able to play his guitar because of a wrist injury. The doctors have now exhausted nearly all options (we're waiting on one more test and then there's a few really expensive, shot in the dark type medication options) and can't figure out what's wrong, or how to treat it.

T. is getting pretty discouraged because of this. Guitar has always been his passion, and he's facing the possibility of losing it right now. He's struggling deeply, as he very carefully sought God's direction before entering music school, felt that God was directing him to go ahead, and within four months found himself unable to play his instrument.

I asked him the other day if it was something where he could simply go back to playing, and simply ignore the pain. It isn't.

So, if you have a minute, and are so inclined, I'd appreciate your prayers for my brother.