Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Another Morning

Well, I still haven’t slept properly. In fact, the dreaming time was extended this morning. Back and forth, over and over from probably 3:00 a.m. on. Dreamt about books and writing, the same thing over and over and over. Of course, I don’t remember what specifically, but it was something to do with books and writing, and it was repeated continually, a hammering home of the point.

However, I feel less exhausted. Go figure. Less exhausted, more sick. I’m popping these little echinacea cough drops every hour or two to keep my throat somewhat lubricated.

My awareness remains heightened in some areas and dulled in others. This is a paradox that puzzles me, but makes me wonder if God has chosen physical exhaustion to create a greater dependence on himself, and a greater awareness of his voice.

There’s not much on my to do list for work today. That could be a problem, because it needs to last me through today and tomorrow. So I’m working at things slowly, pausing here and there to circumspectly surf the internet or check my email.

I designed a temporary tattoo as a promotional item for our company last week. Today I’m going to place that order, as well as ordering a number of other promotional items for upcoming events.

I’ve also got a lunch date with a friend, and a date to hang out with my best friend after work this evening.