Monday, January 01, 2007

Quiet Day...

Today was the kind of quiet day I dearly love.

Slept in a bit. Did some baking. Did a lot of reading, relaxing. Did some cleaning and organizing. Exercised some creativity - made a really fun scrapbook page. Got an email from my best friend, and read another inspiring post on her blog about her Christmas in Pakistan (babies... lots of babies!).

Hung out with the extended family for a while tonight over a chili dinner at my grandma's.

And tomorrow I go back to work. Which is kind of an icky thought, really. It's been a bit tense there lately, and there's likely quite a pile of stuff on my desk waiting for me to return, which could make for a bit of an interesting day...

Things to "look forward" to this month...
  • paying my first ever traffic ticket (a remnant from the accident)
  • A visit to Marty and Kari for a weekend.
  • scrapbooking - feeling inspired again lately. I may even go out and shoot some photos that aren't of people.
  • Reconnecting with an MK that I've known for years who is moving to Calgary to work for six months or so.
  • Sorting out finances for the future.
  • Continuing the attempt at learning to drive standard.
  • using my new laptop bag to pack up my computer and find cozy coffee shops to curl up in and hopefully get some writing done.
  • Starting a bible study for the high school girls.
  • Dreaming and planning the future (and more particularly the next year or so of my life!)