Wednesday, January 24, 2007


(everytime I see the word out on it's own, I think of that line from Shakespeare - can't remember which play, Macbeth or Hamlet, I think, high school english is kind of blurry... anyway, the line I always think of is "out damn spot!")

With that rabbit trail aside, let me first tell you that you will hopefully get a properly developed, not written on the fly, reflection of what I'm currently thinking about later today.

But, in the meantime...

I had a conversation with my youngest brother last night. Turns out we are at the moment of the same sentiment regarding Calgary. We both desperately need some time away from the city. We have some of the same reasons, and some reasons personal to each of us, but we are in agreement, it has become an almost desperate longing to get away from Calgary for at least a few days. He's going to Edmonton this weekend for a school choir concert (but since he hates choir, that's not so much a break!) I on the other hand, have no immediate plans for escape, but am hoping something irresistible will come up sometime soon.

See you later today, I hope!


Anonymous said...

McBeth, by the way...

But you can always visit Grande Prairie... it's boring and relaxing here. I'll take you out and show you oil wells. Woot!
