Saturday, January 13, 2007

A Mild Anti-depressant

I was listening to a speech on my ipod on my way to work yesterday, and the speaker was talking about a friend of his who is a trauma counseller. When this friend was training, she was told that one of the best things they could do for trauma victims was to have them make a list each day of the things they are grateful for. Apparently, they've done studies, and making a list of the things you're thankful for each day does the same thing physiologically as a mild dose of anti-depressant. Very cool.

Anyway, here's some of things that are making me smile today...
  • purple and white argyle socks
  • mellow music to accompany a snowy day spent doing domestic sorts of things
  • the sense of accomplishment that comes from ticking things off my list of things to do
  • a chance to go out and do errands. Have I mentioned that I love doing errands?
  • a chance to sleep in, and then, after a quick trip to the bathroom, crawl right back into be and curl up with a good book for an hour and a bit.
  • a comfy favorite hoody and jeans to wear (I do love casual clothes after dressing nicely for work all week)
  • a general sense of tidiness and comfort in my bedroom.
  • hot pink crocs - still making me happy every time I put them on.
  • a fresh perspective brought on by a good night's sleep after a rather difficult day yesterday
  • plans to do at least one creative thing today

It occurs to me that I am rather easy to please... why does it seem so difficult some days to be happy, when something so small as a trip to the post office, and argyle socks can make me smile? I need to work on being more regularly aware of things that I'm enjoying, instead of locking in on the things that are weighing heavily on my heart and mind.

Jesus, you make me smile. I'm grateful for the reminder to be grateful. Thanks for all the little things in my life.


Eleni P. said...

to wear skirts, you should opt for Greece!

Seriously now, don't abandon your dreams, they are all we will ever own.

it may sound naive, but you have an e-friend from Athens from now on. Should you wish to, of course!