Monday, December 18, 2006

Wild Weekend

Quite a few things changed since Saturday morning when I wrote my post about it being a cozy day. It was, in some ways a very cosy day. I was happy, content, not lonely for the first time in a week.

The biggest change was that on Saturday night, on my way to the youth Christmas party I mentioned, I was in a car accident. I was fortunate. God showed many mercies - the other car was not badly damaged, no one was hurt beyond some stiff muscles, my parents weren't angry with me, the cop gave me a significantly smaller traffic ticket/fine than he could have. I probably wrote off the minivan I was driving.

Saturday night, as I slept (if you can call it sleeping) was a time of intense spiritual warfare. Not something completely out of normal for me, but not by any stretch something common. Again, God showed me his mercies, and gave me the strength to fight against the lies that were being spoken into me.

All in all, it could have been much worse. It was not, by any stretch a stellar weekend, but it could have been far worse. I'm grateful for the little mercies (and the big ones) of the weekend.


Kirk Holloway said...

Eep!! Glad you're OK.

Charis said...

Glad your okay as well. We'll have to chat soon. Malta went well, but had it's battles.

Lisa said...

Kirk, thanks for stopping by.

Kari, we definitely have to chat soon. I'll pop you an email in the next couple days.