Thursday, December 14, 2006

Searching for Entertainment

I've spent a significant chunk of my day surfing the web for entertainment options for my company's spring regional meeting. Not the easiest task at the best of times, but my search has been significantly complicated by the audience we need to entertain.

You see, they're Mennonites. And not any one type. We have the ultra-conservative, still wear the special outfit Mennonites, and we have the very modern, they might have a nose-piercing mennonites. And we need to entertain them all. We'd like to make them laugh...

Turns out a great many of the people I would normally reccommend for this sort of thing - people I've enjoyed - would definitely NOT fit the demographic we're looking to entertain.

So, if you have any brilliant ideas for musicians or singers or speakers or dramatists or illusionists or comedians - basically something entertaining - that would fit a widely varied Mennonite audience, or if you, as members of my readership think you can do the job, drop me an email, or leave me a comment. We can use all the help we can get.

(And, by the way, I like my job, and the people I work for, and the people we serve - all Mennonites... they're just hard to figure out how to entertain!)


Anonymous said...

Hey how about a fire blower? Think that they would like a fire blower. Haha, I can eat fire too but it's not really my specialty.

Lisa said...

For sure a fire-blower. What was I thinking to forget that I had such talented friends. I can just see you at the conference - blowing and/or eating fire in the middle of the 5 star delta lodge in Kananskis for all these old-colony Mennonites! Very fun... I just emailed your wife... she can share all my news with you