Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Inspired by My Baby Brother

My youngest brother challenges and inspires me to deeper things.

He's gone through a lot lately - had to give up music for a season (which is his passion and what he's studying in school) in order to physically heal from an injury to his wrist, and some other things. And through it all he's sought to find God, fought for peace and patience.

Then, the last couple of days he's gone through some personal and relational stuff. Nothing I can write details about, but he's been quite hurt by someone. If it were me, I'd probably hate the person, and encourage everyone I know to be equally hateful and mean. Instead, he's opted to ease out of the relationship for a season, but has asked my other brother and I to continue to build relationships, to care for and mentor this person who has hurt him so badly.

I was thinking about that on the train this morning. He asked me last night to continue to build relationship with this person, and I take the train with him on Tuesdays for the first half of our respective commutes. We chatted a bit about it and about some other things, and after I left him and continued on my way to work I was thinking about his response. We both care deeply about people, but when push comes to shove, my brother manages to model for me a far less judgemental and loving attitude in the face of tension than I have managed.

And so, today I've been challenged to be accepting in how I see and treat people that have hurt me. Do I write them off, or do I continue to wish the best for them, to want to see them continue to develop as people and as followers of Christ?