Friday, November 03, 2006

a restless soul

"Be still my soul and know that He is Lord."

I'm working on it. I am very unsettled this morning. Several days of waking from odd dreams... a lost wallet, a childlike woman fighting for her freedom, the appearance of several people I know and know of in my dreams.

Does anyone know someone gifted in interpreting dreams?

I couldn't stomach modern worship songs on my commute this morning. I couldn't handle the songs that talk and talk and talk about what I'm going to do for God. I'm too tired to "do" this morning. I needed to just sit and soak in age old truths about his unfailing grace and mercy, his redemption, his promises of strength for the weary. So I listened to an album of hymns. And then I listened to Michael Card's recordings of some ancient Celtic hymns, and my soul was slightly soothed.

I am restless. Wondering what some things mean, and wondering over steps for the future. Life is beautiful, I am depression free, but I am not "a soul at rest from itself."

Praying, and continuing to try and soak in the midst of my workday, which is somewhat tense and stressful today as well.

And while it sounds flip, glib, and perhaps even slightly blasphemous, I am praying that age old prayer this morning. "Thank God it's Friday."