Monday, November 20, 2006

I liked these thoughts...

I liked the question Dan King posed in this post. "What troubles my soul?" Something to think about. Something I think we need to consider. (And, I found his observations about Hannah interesting... I've been thinking about her story a lot lately... more on that another time.)

I also loved what Marty had to say in his latest post (found here.) I was at the conference he talks about, mostly for the last day, the day that Jason Upton wasn't speaking. I listened to all of Jason's teachings on my ipod over the course of this last week and felt bathed in truth. Listening to the gentleman teach on Saturday, all I felt was confused and emotionally manipulated - there's something wrong with me because I'm not having this or that experience during the course of the teaching.

I've mulled the contrast over quite a lot this week. To be honest, I'm grateful that I heard Jason's teachings after I had spent a day with the other guy. Because they balanced the manipulation with truth. They drew me back from the edges of confusion and even anger, and reminded me why this God is worth pursuing. He offers clear and simple truths. He doesn't manipulate. He wants us to listen and hear Him clearly.


Dan King said...

hey lisa ...

thanks for the nod. let me know when you blog on your Hannah thoughts ...

