Monday, October 23, 2006

From the rising of the sun....

I see the sunrise almost every morning these days. It's just beginning to light the sky as I head to work. Usually, just as I'm transfering trains downtown the colors begin to happen. Most days in the last while, it's been unremarkable, a transition from dark, to a grey and cool "winter is coming soon" sort of day.

This morning, however, was spectacular. A wide variety of pinks and blues lit the sky.

And I was reminded of the scripture that says something along the lines of "From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the Name of the Lord is to be praised." (It's also a beautiful Steve Bell lyric.)

My commute has become a time of learning, of prayer and worship. I spend nearly two hours a day travelling via public transit to and from work. Thanks to my ipod, I can generally spend the time listening to worship music and praying, or listening to a sermon. It's a good way to start a day or a week...