Saturday, August 12, 2006


I wonder if all of you blog readers out there have learned yet that when I am silent here for nearly a week, without being out of the country, that I am doing some pretty deep thinking? It's been an interesting week. I've struggled deeply with some things, learned some things about myself, been reminded of some things about others, hurt, cried, prayed, laughed, worked to avoid deep thought, and worked to think deeply. I've read, and avoided reading entirely. I've eaten alone and communally, in my home, and in public places. I've engaged avidly in conversation, and done my best to avoid human contact. I've lurked on other's blogs, and avoided the internet entirely. In short, it has been a somewhat polarized, and very, very human sort of week.

I think I'm learning that this is not necessarily a bad thing.

I'm struggling with "church" again this week. I sat in the service last weekend, and was delighted to see the people who were there, to hear pieces of Sheri's journey from the last year, to talk to a variety of people. But as I sat and we worshipped, I couldn't help but look around and grieve a little. I thought about all of the faces that were missing. All of the people whose lives I've been privileged to be a part of over the last year, over the three years that I've been a part of my church community. There were a lot of faces missing, and it made me sad. I thought about all the friends for whom my church was the last stop on their way out of a more formal Christian community. The ones who left saying that they were looking for something else, but never found it. The ones who are still running, who want God, but maybe not all the trouble of finding Him. Who want to have relationship, but don't want it to hurt quite so much, to be quite so hard, who don't have the energy left to fight for those things anymore.

I thought about the ones who just couldn't fit. The ones who were too radical or too broken, and I grieved them too. Because what good is a church if it can't house a few radicals? And what use is a body that cannot surround and uphold those who are so desperately broken that they can't even pinpoint one need, that they can't even ask for help.

I thought a lot this week about a conversation I had on Monday night. I had asked a friend about a mutual friend, and gotten caught up on her life. She's "hitting AA hard." Wow. That's great. But then my friend went on to say that he really believed that that was where she needed to be right now, not in church, not in community with a body of people who have loved her and prayed for her and upheld her as she's struggled these last months. And you know what, I don't dispute the value of alcoholics anonymous in her life. I believe that it is keeping her sane, that it is helping her beat some of her demons. I just wish that she had found love and acceptance in a community of believers. I just wish that we had been able to make room for her wounds - to allow them to speak and to breath depth and knowledge into our community. To make us more compassionate, and give us the heart for the broken that we claim to have - that we claim to want.

And I'm tired. Because I've had odd nightmares again every night this week. Nothing solid that remains when I awake, just the sense of unease, the snippets of conversation. A feminine presence in my dreams, talking constantly and preventing rest.

I learned something about myself this week too. I love to wrestle and I hate to act. I see these things, I wonder these things about our community, and I have no idea how to act upon them. And to be brutally honest, the idea of taking action is one that terrifies me.

And yet, I can't keep going like this - this interminable inbetween. This deficit of action while my heart and mind refuse to be silenced. It's time to read and think, and write and speak, and pray and act. May God show me the way.


Anonymous said...

Lisa - great thoughts and expressed quite well - keep looking for answers. I encourage you to keep at this internal work - you are on to something. I am not surprised at the dream... you are very near to deep revelation - keep at it! AND be willing to take some chances and ACT as the Spirit prompts you. Take some authority in the dream with the rattling woman... she needs to stand down - you want the revelation... I am praying for you to find your voice in this community God has placed you in. It really is time that some of you step into the greater authority that God has given you - you hear Him well and have done lots of internal work - say what you hear... it is hard but it really is time. Peace and unspeakable joy be yours in these special days for you. Many warm regards and prayers,

Lisa said...

you can't know how badly I needed to come home and read your encouraging words tonight. I talked with Kari after the service tonight, just for a few minutes, sharing some of the things I wrote here, some of the fears and the pains of the week. And as I talked I cried, because the emotions were just too many, too overwhelming, too exhausting, and they wouldn't be contained any more. And my house has been full of illness the last few days, dark and quiet, and I am exhausted because of the dreams, because I haven't slept for a week and the emotions have drained me.
It's time to say what I hear, and I don't know how to begin. And I'm afraid and exhausted and discombobulated. And I really needed to come home tonight and read your encouraging words... I needed them... so thanks for the words and the prayers, and if I have a level of consciousness in my dreams, I will speak to the "rattling woman" - funny that you used the word rattling, because it is so very accurate - the very word I would have used had it occurred to me.

So again, thanks. You gave me a reason to smile on a night when I was world weary and discouraged.

Prayers right back at you and your family.

Faye said...

Hello Lisa. This is Faye. First off, I owe you apologies for missing your birthday party- my family stayed in the mountains longer than I expected, and also because I later forgot to call and wish you a happy birthday. Happy Birthday!
Has anyone ever told you that you have an incredible gift of sight? You see reality in all it's detailed shades of grey (complete with shadows and streams of light)and actually understand what you're looking at. God will show you what to do with the truth you uncover. The best spiritual advice I got while running through the "Holy Land" last month was from a man called Father Abuna, who works as a principal at a refugee camp school for troubled/disadvantaged boys. When asked what he thought the church's response to the Intifadah should be, he replied, "It is not the responsibility of the church to come up with a perfect solution. Like Andrew at the feeding of the 5ooo, we are simply required to be quiet, to see what we have to work with, and to offer whatever that is to Jesus to work with." You remind me of Andrew, Lisa. Not the most immediately noticeable of the Apostles, but not because you're unimportant or because you have nothing important to say. Your quiet allows you to see and hear things that other people miss, often at very important moments in time. Anyways, good night and God bless:)

Lisa said...

Faye, don't worry about missing the birthday party. And thanks for the compliment. I guess that I don't really think of it in terms of seeing things well, and most days the things I see and think feel a bit more like a curse than a blessing, so it's always good to have the reminders that it it is a blessing. So, thanks!

Nolan said...

So this must be what, the official longest duration between posts ever for you huh?

Thanks for the book loan. It made me smile and cry again.