Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Crazy Day

Yesterday was a crazy day. In a good kind of way.

I got to work a bit early, and was greeted with the news that I would be working by myself for the first four hours, and that my coworker would then be by herself for the last six hours. Someone out sick. Which is fine, except that we're crazy busy, and so we're further behind instead of being caught up.

I got a phone call yesterday morning. I've been offered, and have accepted a new job. I'll be working for a smallish property insurance company as a receptionist/secretary. A friend of mine is leaving the job in order to have a more flexible work schedule for a transistional time in her life, and she offered to reccomend me for her position. It worked, and I'm incredibly grateful. I start there full-time on September 12th. I'll work a half day and a full day there next week, inbetween my shifts at the Bay to begin learning the position.

I'm very excited about this. It's the kind of hours I've been looking for in a job for months now. 8:30-4:30, Monday to Friday. Evenings and weekends off. And better pay, and benefits.

We had my family birthday party on Monday night too. So, yesterday I took the birthday money I was given, in combination with some money I had saved for this purpose, and bought and ipod. We're having a slight technical difficulty involving our wireless internet connection on the basement computer, but as soon as that resolves, I'm good to go to put my music on there. Which is great, because in two weeks I'm going to be commuting about 45 minutes each way by public transportation to my new job.

So that was my day. I'm relieved that the job search is finally behind me. I'm grateful for the friend who gave me such a glowing reccomendation for her position. And I'm grateful to God for the provision of greater stability in my work situation.

And with that, I'm off to get ready for work at The Bay. Only two weeks left, and they're going to be BUSY! But that's okay, because it's only two more weeks! (Although I have agreed to work one weekend a month for them to help out. Plus, it lets me keep my discount!)


Nolan said...

Congrats on the new job Lisa!

Lisa said...

Thanks Nolan!

aerdna said...

Congratulations Lisa!! I am so glad you were able to find something that is not retail and with a good schedule. Things are a bit crazy here at the moment, we are still surrounded by boxes but things should settle down soon. Looking forward to seeing you and Megan in the near future.


Sheri said...

Awesome LISA! Congratulations ...GO GIRL:)
