Saturday, July 22, 2006

Unexpected Excitement and Joy

So my extraordinarily busy day had an interesting twist at it's ending. I picked my friend up from the airport, and as we grabbed dinner and caught up on the last week and a bit in each other's lives, we became amazed at a number of coinciding events that happened completely separately, over the last week and over the last several months, that we'd never shared with each other, and yet seemed to closely parallel each other's hearts.

Suffice it to say that over the next weeks and months we are going to be lifting a big decision before God both together and separately, seeking counsel from Godly people that we trust to speak wisdom and truth into our lives, and waiting for further direction from God. We have a potentially huge decision to make, and we're both filled with joy and excitement at the prospect, and at the way God seems to have been working to lead us to the point where we had the conversation that seems to indicate we need to pray and consider this opportunity.

I am being deliberately vague, as we as of yet have shared it only with each other, and it's not something we're ready to share with the whole world. We spent a chunk of time sitting in my car and praying over it together, inviting God to lead as we consider it further, and I've sent off the first of a couple emails to friends seeking counsel. As things become clearer, and possibilities take on firm shape, I'll share more, but in the meantime I'd like to ask you to pray with us over this next while as we're seeking God, and if God reveals anything to you as you pray, feel free to email me at the address in my profile, or leave a comment here on the blog.