Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Musings on a Wednesday Morning

Okay, so my titling could use some help again. It's hard to come up with a title that will encompass everything I want to communicate in a super fast mish mash sort of way.

  • First off, I saw the new "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie with my parents last night. I quite enjoyed it, which is somewhat unusual for me with that sort of movie. However, I did dream about that weird octopus headed dude all night last night. Are you beginning to see why I mostly stick to romantic comedies? Characters from those rarely manage to inhabit my dreams in a disturbing manner!
  • Secondly, I have a birthday coming up in just a bit over a week. I'll be twenty three. It seems odd to me. I remember being fifteen and listing the things I wanted to have accomplished by this point in my life. I think the only one that came true is the finishing college one. At fifteen your time perspective is sort of skewed. At fifteen, twenty-three seemed so old, so adult, so settled. I figured I'd be married with babies by twenty three. At a few weeks shy of twenty three I'm immensely glad that I am in fact NOT married with babies (although I wouldn't mind if some prospective guys started appearing in my life!)
  • Thirdly (is thirdly a word? we're going to pretend that it is, even if it isn't, because I just used it and I'm too lazy to come up with something else.) Thirdly, then, I have two job interviews scheduled for tomorrow. Hopefully one of these times one of the jobs will pan out.
  • Finally, (or fourthly if you prefer) I'm off to get ready for work, write and mail a card to a friend, make a phone call or two, check my email and a couple of blogs, and then head off to work. Have a fantastic day!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday early....since I used next blog to find you, I probably won't see you again.

Secondly, I'm very impressed that you are hand writing a letter and placing it in the mail. Not enough of that is done these days.

Thirdly, Yes, Thirdly is a word : )