Monday, July 24, 2006

A crazy idea... and a couple other random thoughts

So, I'm still thinking and praying about the crazy opportunity that so suddenly came about on Friday night. The friend and I who are involved are sort of surprised at the responses we're getting as we begin to float it to our friends. I think, we, or at least I, really expected at least someone, if not everyone, to simply look at us and tell us it was a crazy, stupid idea. And that would be that. We'd simply move on to other things. But no one has said that to us. No one. Most people are surprised, but almost everyone responds the way one friend did last night - "I could totally see you guys doing that."

Huh. Okay. Well, the decision doesn't need to be made for a while yet. So we're going to take the advice of another friend and keep speaking the idea out to God, to our friends and families, to our church community and to each other, believing that doors will close and the opportunity will die if it is not where God is leading us. It seems to be a surreal idea, but, at this point, albeit only a few days since the opportunity so surprisingly arose, doors seem to be opening, not closing.

And now, the other random thought that my title not so subtly alludes to!

In the middle of worship last night we were singing a song that cries out to God for freedom. And as we sang, God directed me to pray these words I was singing, not over my own life, but over the life of a friend. Not in a way that she would even know that I was battling on her behalf, but simply to cry out to Him for her. I've known her for quite a while, and walked with her through some pretty harsh and difficult things. At the moment our relationship is quite distant - her doing, and God giving me permission to step into a more silent role than the bold truth speaker he asked me to be for quite a while. And it's funny, because I would have never expected in the middle of worship to be asked to pray for her. But I was, and I did, and I'm not sure what to make of it. I don't know that I'll ever know the results. And yet I prayed - I think that makes a difference...


Nolan said...

Prayer in the middle of worship songs is something I quite appreciate when God leads me to do it or when I'm inspired to do it, or any other time really.

Patience and submitting to others' wisdom over crazy ideas is such a mature thing to do. Good job.

Lisa said...

Nolan... I did quite appreciate the prayer... it just caught me off guard... I don't often feel as I am one to do battle.

And as to submitting the crazy idea to God and others, well, it would seem they don't seem to think it's quite as crazy as we thought! You'll get to hear about it soon... cause I'd love to invite you to pray about it with us too!