Wednesday, June 07, 2006


No, not the Beatles song, the actual day.

Yesterday was the fifth day in a row that I had off of work. It was the first day where I actually managed to rest. I woke up with a peace, a calm that had been missing for a while. I sat outside on our patio in the sun and read for a long time. Finished off a couple more chapters of Gary Best's Naturally Supernatural, and was very challenged by the large chunk of chapter three that he dedicated to discussing the prophetic. Understood a bit more about myself, and about some recent experiences, including those of Sunday night in reading this. God's timing that way makes me laugh - I've been putting off reading that bit for quite a while, and then, when I finally picked it up it definitely spoke some stuff I needed to hear - it was edifying. Read some more of the Gospel of John, sitting there in the sun too... Jesus preparing his disciples for the coming crucifixion. Wow.

I did some errands at a lazy pace, and spent the afternoon doing a bit more reading. Oh, and I sent out more resumes - hopefully I'll get some calls in the next couple of days.

I'm reading through the Harry Potter books at the moment. I know that the rest of the world read them quite a while ago - I remember their intense popularity when I was in high school, and that was a minimum of five years ago. But hey, I'm loving them. And the phoenix imagery - loving it too. The healing tears, the rebirth... yeah... so tied to what I've been thinking and praying through lately.

House church was somewhat uneventful for me at least. But afterwards I spent time catching up with a friend who'd been away at school and on a mission trip for the last year. We sat in my car until nearly 1 am catching up, talking and sharing God stories. It's fun to talk about being healed from depression with someone else who's also been freed from it. Someone who understands what it was really like, and knows the feeling of being truly grateful for the freedom. We talked a bit too, about some other situations I'm facing, and prayed together over our house church. So good.

And now, I'm off to work. Can't say I've missed it... where can I find a job that lets me do errands for a living, lets me take time to sit in the sun and read and hang out with God, lets me write and think at any moment the inspiration hits? Because let me just say that Bridal Registry at The Bay isn't going to be that job. I found out on the weekend that I could work as unskilled staff for 7-11 and make 50 cents more an hour than I make at The Bay, and get benefits. It is SO time to move on. Praying that God will provide a job soon - a job that excites and challenges me, that uses my skills, and pays my bills!