Monday, June 05, 2006

The things floating through my brain

I could tell you about a whole number of different things floating around my brain tonight... what the heck... I think I will!

  • First off, what's with everyone taking breaks from their blogs lately? I bet no fewer than three or four of the blogs I regularly check are on "breaks" or are "cutting back" on the posts they put up. Is this some strange new trend? Because what am I going to read, and how am I going to know what's going on in all of your lives if you all stop writing?
  • Yesterday was a bit of a day of rest for me. I spent the morning watching a movie, the afternoon reading and watching the end of a movie with my parents. Basically the idea was to engage in pursuits that didn't require a whole lot of active thought. A good friend challenged me a number of months ago to find things that would allow me to completely stop thinking about the things that consume me. She reminded me that it was quite unhealthy to focus as heavily on these things as I was, and pushed me to find ways to "stop thinking." So, I'm working at trying to do that regularly.
  • Church last night was interesting... don't really know what to say. I had a "unique" (read terrifying and completely exhilarating) experience during the ministry time afterwards. A friend caught my eye from where he was sitting with a few others praying over someone in our community, and sort of beckoned me to join him. I came over and he informed me that God had told him that I needed to pray for this person. I honestly thought he'd lost his mind, and this was the only thing that kept me from yelling at him. But he explained a bit, and as he explained, a question came to mind for the person we were praying for, and it kind of went from there... weird how God just sort of deposited some stuff, and led me to confirm some things that had been said before I joined them. I was completely convinced when I sat down to join them that it was going to be a really bad idea... that God wouldn't speak, that I would embarrass myself and the friend who was so sure God wanted me to pray, and the poor person we were praying for. Because God sure wasn't warning me that I needed to speak! But hey, He's faithful, and I'm even grateful to the friend who pushed me to step into a situation I would have never have entered without a push.
  • I listened to the Focus on the Family Radio Theatre version of C.S. Lewis' "The Silver Chair" this afternoon while I cleaned. I think I'm going to research and write a paper about that particular book in the Chronicles of Narnia... every time I read or listen to the dramatization of it I'm caught by the messages it portrays.
  • I finally cleaned my desk today. And my chair, and one of my dresser drawers. That means that I now have a place to curl up and read, a workspace on which to be creative, and space for my socks and underwear!
  • I cooked dinner tonight. I like to cook when it is an expression of something creative, and something new. So I pulled a recipe off the internet for pasta with tomato cream sauce, and modified it a bit. I ended up serving grilled chicken over penne with tomato-cream sauce, steamed asparagus in a sesame vinaigrette, and we're still going to have the coconut cream pie that was on sale at the grocery store for dessert.
  • I had a job interview at Samaritans' Purse last week. It was a position I really would have liked to get. But, it's been almost a week and I haven't heard back, so my hopes are pretty low. Back to the drawing board again. I guess I'll send out resumes again tomorrow and see if I get any hits.
  • I'm loving the Delirious? song "Revival Town" at the moment. Particularly these lines: "Hallelujah, You've turned my mourning into dancing" and "You let a broken generation become a dancing generation."
  • And with that I'm off to read for the evening, or maybe watch a movie, and definitely to indulge in some coconut cream pie!


Nolan said...

Sorry about cutting back, but hey what can I say? I work from 7 - 6?