Friday, May 05, 2006

Conference and other thoughts

Another bullet point type update for you all.

These (in no particular order) are the things I'm thinking about at the moment:
  • I love my hairdresser. I had my hair cut today, and my hairdresser straightened it for me. I won't have to do anything with it for the next couple days, and it'll look really good to boot.
  • I'm at a conference most of this weekend. It's a vineyard conference - seems that there's going to be a lot of praying over people, trying to listen for God, that kind of thing.
  • This is probably good, but also a bit odd at times.
  • I enjoyed the speaker last night, but wasn't sure what to make of the practical application time.
  • I have the best person in the world to debrief after sessions like that, and she's the one giving me rides. I love that she is struggling hugely with charismatic "stuff" even hates it at times, but keeps coming back, keeps pursuing God, keeps wanting more, keeps being willing to learn, keeps trying to be open to new things. I love her honesty the second we get in her car after a session.
  • Because of the conference I'm going to be away from my computer and not really blogging this weekend.
  • I turned down both job offers. Neither one was quite was I was looking for, and I didn't have any peace about accepting either offer. So, I'm still at the Bay (which is not that good a piece of news) but I interviewed at a temp/placement agency yesterday, and they think that they can find me work starting around $13 an hour, which is more than either of the offers I turned down.
  • I bought a couple new tops today, and I'm excited to wear them out and around.
  • I applied for several more jobs this morning, and am hoping some of them call me for interviews.
  • I'm making dinner tonight for my mom and one of my friends, and I don't know what I'm cooking yet, so I should probably go make that decision now!

And with that, I'm off.