Thursday, April 27, 2006

The Three Minute Update

Because that's about all the time I have before I have to leave my house for the evening.

First, the job interviews have gone fairly well. From what I can tell, 3 of the 4 jobs I've interviewed for are ones I would really enjoy, and it seems like the interviews have gone quite smoothly.

Second, God has been doing some interesting stuff this week, speaking through friends, giving me reminders. More on that when I get some time to actually sit down, reflect and write. That may not be until Sunday or Monday.

Third, my plans for the evening make me happy. Nobody in crisis, just coffee with a friend, and then we're going to join up with a bunch of other friends to "watch" the hockey game. I use "watch" instead of "watch" because I think only one person there really actually cares about seeing the game, the rest of us are just using it as an excuse to hang out.

Fourth, I have another job interview tomorrow, two actual shifts (shocking, yes, I know) at the Bay this weekend, and another interview Monday morning. So, I probably won't really be blogging until Sunday or Monday as previously mentioned.

And that, my friends is the three minute update. And now I'm off to have coffee, hang out with good friends, and "watch" hockey!


Nolan said...


Oh yeah, and um, nice that your interviews are going well too.
Just kidding.