Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Stations of the Cross

You should all visit Renee's blog this week. Each day she has been reflecting on a station of the cross. The reflections have been beautiful and challenging.

I particularly loved the one she wrote today for station seven - Christ's second fall. You can find it here. Then go back and read the stations 1-6.

Anything that helps me meditate in a new way on the Easter holiday is worth the time I need to spend reading it. Easter, like so many things, can become trite if you don't devote the time. I'm still trying to figure out how to create reflective space on Good Friday this year. Our family is busy, because my dad and brother leave for a month long mission trip to Ukraine on Easter Sunday afternoon. But I am determined to carve out at least a couple of hours on Friday to reflect and meditate - hopefully in the mountains somewhere.