Friday, March 10, 2006

Quick Thoughts and an Invitation to Engage

  • My financial situation is not quite as tight as I thought. It's still pretty gross, and I won't be going out for dinner anytime in the next few weeks like I normally do, but I'll survive, and almost for sure make it to Mexico.
  • My glasses presription hasn't changed enough that I need to replace my lenses and my frames. So, tomorrow I'm going to pick up the replacement front piece, have them install my current lenses and earpieces onto the replacement and we'll be back in business. I'll fill the new prescription I got this morning a couple of months down the road when I'm financially stable again. And the replacement piece will only cost me about $92 instead of $300. Plus, I got lucky that they even still make my frames, as they're approximately three years old.
  • I watched "Walk the Line" again tonight with a friend. I love that movie. Something about the power of redemption...
  • I sent off a couple of resumes today. My hours at work for next week got cut again, and I only have 2 shifts (Monday and Saturday)... so, I thought I'd see if I can land some interviews, and hopefully a job, and start the job when I return from Mexico.
  • I also wrote prayer/support letters for my Mexico trip today - not very exciting, and kind of awkward to ask for money. I don't think I'd make a very good career missionary.
  • I think I'm off to lay in bed now and read theology. I came across a borrowed book on my shelf today about "kingdom theology" and thought I'd read some of it.
  • I was oddly surprised by the lack of comments on my "The Kingdom Isn't Breaking Through" post earlier this week. Only Nolan (which, by the way, Nolan, I appreciate!). That post felt so controversial when I wrote it - it was a way of giving voice to thoughts that a number of friends and I have been batting around but finding no voice for at our church right now. We're tired, and struggling with the sense that our voices are not being heard, that our concerns are being minimized because we are the "messy" ones. I guess I'm inviting comment and discussion. I'm inviting you to challenge my thinking. I love to bat around ideas, and this one has been bothering me for a while. Like I said, it feels controversial. I can't believe that everyone I know is just simply happy with the things I had to say. Consider this your official invitation to engage!