Friday, February 24, 2006

Doing Lots of Nothing and Loving It

Nothing stuff. That's what I'm about today. Nothing that requires thought. Nothing that requires mega amounts of physical energy. And it's fantastic.

I flipped through magazines and watched the gold medal olympic curling match this morning. I read a quite funny post about curling on a blog somewhere yesterday but I've lost the blog or I'd link to it for you. It was written by someone who very obviously lived somewhere in the southern US. They were rather baffled by the curling phenomena. I thought about writing to tell them that the Brier is the biggest rated television event in Canada every year, above the Grey Cup and the Superbowl, but realized I'd have to explain not only what the Brier was, but also the Grey Cup and decided I didn't want to spend the time. Anyway, the post talked about being horrified but strangely fascinated by this sport where people throw large rocks down a strip of ice, yell enthusiastically, and sweep. In a complete ignorance of curling terms, she very amusingly decided to call the person throwing the rock a "stoner." Anyway - Canada won GOLD! YES! And really, I find curling quite relaxing to watch - no major stress, fairly easy to understand, and I can stretch out on my couch and fall asleep during the boring parts.

I'm cleaning at the moment. Well, not precisely at this moment, since I'm writing a blog post for your enjoyment, but cleaning nonetheless. When I'm finished my desk will be clear, my clothes will be in my closet, and there will be space to sit in my chair and curl up with a novel, or to sit at my desk and do a collage or scrapbooking project as I desire.

I think I might watch a movie this afternoon too. I rented "The Motorcycle Diaries" again. I loved that movie. Plus, Spanish is such a beautiful language, and the movie is full of fantastic scenery, so it should fit my "nothing" day quite nicely.

My mom just came in to remind me that I need to clean our bathroom before tomorrow night when company is coming. I'll add it to my list.

I'm also going to lay in the bathtub with a favorite novel and bubble bath.

I was supposed to go out to a movie with a friend this afternoon, but she called at nine this morning to tell me she got called into work. She works with severely handicapped people, and one of her clients got out of hand this morning and attacked another worker, sending the worker to the hospital. So they called my friend because she can control the client fairly well. Our plans for a matinee movie and an early dinner out got cancelled, and my nothing day was officially kicked off!

Maybe I'll call some friends tonight to see if they want to hang out, or maybe I'll be so busy doing "nothing" that I'll just keep right on with that!


Sheri said...

Awesome Lisa ... you go girl! I probably would have still gone to the matinee by myself but, that is my secret little fetish.
solo matinee movies! ha! Something new to learn about me:)

Be Blessed, relaxed and energy free!

Lisa said...

Sheri, I figured you'd like this post... I will respond to your email... just haven't had a minute yet... As for the movie, we never picked one, the weather was still all snowy, and while I enjoy a good solo movie experience, I couldn't haul myself out into the cold to make it happen! Thanks for prodding me into the day... it was needed, and today will probably be similar - random errands, the rest of a DVD I started yesterday, and hopefully hanging out with Stu and maybe some others... (oh, and I still have to clean the bathroom!)

karen said...

Hey, you DON'T go, girl!
That's a good thing sometimes!! :-)