Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Reading List 2006

I spent a portion of this morning preparing a list of books that I want to read in the coming year. Because I am a compulsive book-buyer, I already own a great number of those on the list, and my list, which is quite long, is divided into two sections - those books I already own, and those that I will locate from the library or purchase later in the year. I have not listed any novels - mostly because I never have difficulty finding a novel to read, maybe because I am resolved to read less brain candy type novels, and more challenging works.

Because I am not very good at reading non-fiction, I have read portions of a great number of the books on the list. My goal is to finish reading these books. I am determined to teach myself to read more broadly, and to retain information that I read in a more useful manner.

I have also determined to keep track of what I read this year. The title, author, and whether or not the book is fiction or non-fiction will be recorded. I used to track my reading all the time, but have fallen out of the habit in the last several years. Because I have resolved to read more challenging books, and to read broadly over the next year, I am once again going to attempt to track my reading.

So, without further ado, I present the list I prepared this morning - a list which is already missing certain titles (The Alchemist - thanks for the reccomendation Sheri!) - a list that will be updated throughout the year, but is a good beginning. If anyone has suggestions for additions, leave me a comment and let me know!

Reading List 2006

Books I Already Own
The Vision and the Vow (Pete Greig)
Waking the Dead (John Eldredge)
Captivating (John and Stasi Eldredge)
The Quest for the Radical Middle (Bill Jackson)
Surprised by the Voice of God (Jack Deere)
Making Real What I Already Believe (John Fischer)
Soul Survivor (Mike Pilavachi)
A Generous Orthodoxy (Brian McLaren)
A New Kind of Christian (Brian McLaren)
Fearless Faith (John Fischer)
The Father Heart of God (Floyd McClung, Jr.)
Rumors of Another World (Philip Yancey)
Great Souls: Six Who Changed the Century (David Aikman)
A Delicate Fade (Ben Devries)
Praise Habit: Finding God in Sunsets and Sushi (David Crowder)
Velvet Elvis (Rob Bell)
The Unquenchable Worshipper (Matt Redman)
The Great Evangelical Disaster (Francis A. Schaeffer)
The Screwtape Letters (C.S. Lewis)
Letters to Marc About Jesus (Henri Nouwen)
Good Ideas from Questionable Christians and Outright Pagans: An Introduction to Key Thinkers and Philosophies (Steve Wilkens)
Inside of Me (Shellie R. Warren)
Real Sex: The Naked Truth About Chastity (Lauren F. Winner)
Following Jesus Without Embarrassing God (Tony Campolo)
The Beginner’s Guide to Spiritual Gifts (Sam Storms)
The Confessions (Augustine)
Messy Spirituality (Mike Yaconelli)

Books to Buy/Get from the Library
Breakthrough: Discovering the Kingdom (Derek Morphew)
Following Jesus (Dave Roberts)
Wrestling with God (Rick Diamond)
Dangerous Wonder (Mike Yaconelli)
Speaking My Mind (Tony Campolo)
Adventures in Missing the Point (Tony Campolo/Brian McLaren)
The Story We Find Ourselves In (Brian McLaren)
The Last Word and the Word After That (Brian McLaren)
Provocative Faith (Matthew Paul Turner)
The Coffeehouse Gospel (Matthew Paul Turner)
Prophetic Untimeliness: A Challenge to the Idol of Relevance (Os Guiness)
The Soul Tells a Story: Engaging Creativity with Spirituality in the Writing Life (Vinita Hampton Wright)
Aimee Semple McPherson: Everbody’s Sister (Edith L. Blumhofer)
Through the Narrow Gate (Karen Armstrong)
All of the Women of the Bible (Edith Deen)
The Seven Storey Mountain (Thomas Merton)
Apostle Paul and Women in the Church (Don Williams)
Daughters of the Church (Ruth A. Tucker/ Walter Liefeld)
Women in Ministry: Four Views (Bonnidell and Robert Clouse)
Daughter of Destiny (Kathryn Kuhlman)


Lisa said...

Bow... go for it! Glad you found me.