Friday, December 23, 2005

To Do List

This is it - Christmas is only two days away, I'm done school permanently (well, at least until I decide what to study at seminary), I'm off work until Boxing Day, and I have a million things to do today. Here are some of them:
  • Eat a nutritious breakfast consisting of a mandarin orange and a couple of Belgian chocolate seashells. Okay, so maybe nutritious is overstating a bit!
  • Clean my bedroom, thus allowing for movement around the room, use of my reading chair, and space on my desk for scrapbooking and cardmaking projects that I want to attack.
  • Find a small Christmas gift for a friend - she gave me a beautiful candle with a holder as a Christmas/Graduation present, and I'd like to find something small to show her in return how much I appreciate her.
  • Hang pictures in my bedroom. I've been moved back in for a month or so, but haven't hung any of my pictures yet. I want it done before the whole extended family comes on Christmas day.
  • Make the "bacon bites" that have become part of the traditional oerderve Christmas Eve meal at our house. What could be better than waterchestnuts soaked liberally in teriyaki sauce and brown sugar, wrapped with a strip of bacon, secured with a toothpick, and baked until they're nice and crispy. My family (not to mention me) would miss these little suckers if they weren't there on Christmas Eve when we sit down to eat.
  • Write a nice, reflective Christmas post for this blog - okay, this one is still coming. Somehow a "to do" list doesn't quite count.
  • Wrap all the Christmas presents I purchased and have stashed in my closet.
  • Eat a few more Belgian chocolates.
  • Go through some scrapbooking magazines and add any good ideas to my idea notebook.
  • Clean the tub and shower tiles in the bathroom - this one I've been putting off for days, by mom will have a heart attack if it doesn't get done by the time everyone comes over for the Christmas Eve service tomorrow night (ah, the wonders of a father who pastors a church so tiny it can have a Christmas Eve service in our house), and for family Christmas dinner on Christmas Day.
  • Hang out with a good friend tonight, before she heads home for Christmas for a few days.

Okay, I think that's it! And now, I must be off and attempt to accomplish at least the major portion of this list! Tomorrow and Saturday are coming quickly, and each day has more responsibilities. (For example, I'm the official "hot cider" maker for all major events - maybe because I'm the only one who drinks cider on a regular basis during the year and just have a knack for making realllly good spiced cider!)


Hope said...

Ah, those "bacon bites" were called rumaki in my house and my mom made them every Christmas too Lisa. We had chicken livers in ours too but you can do them with chicken breast meat.

Belgian chocolates sound nutritious to me!

Merry Christmas! All the best to you in 2006. And congrats on being done school!