Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Live in Community....

Here's a random quote that floated through my head the whole night at house church tonight... It's from Blue Like Jazz Live, and as we talked about community it came back to me...
The author/actor is talking about how a friend began encouraging him to move in with some other guys, in order to have community, and how he felt that this was a strange idea, almost cultlike.... And he phrases it like this:

"You live in community. Then you drink punch. Then you die."

Cracks me up. Every time. Community. Punch. Death. I just about died laughing inside as we stood around our house church community, drinking our standard iced tea. Community. Iced Tea. Death. Maybe my sense of humor is slightly warped!


Lisa said...

well, at least someone else sees the humor in this. I think I'm warped sometimes. I spend all this time keeping from cracking up on the outside during awkward situations because some random line like this comes back to me, and I don't have anyone to tell. seriously, though, community every week at house church. We sing, we pray, we share, we eat cookies and drink iced tea... perhaps community, iced tea, death is the next logical step? and we know all about people wondering if our crazy church is a cult!