Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Bullet Points are a Blogger's Best Friend

I've had to become more creative with my titles for random posts. I think people will stop reading if I keep using titles like "Random Thoughts" or "Random Update." These titles clearly display my innate lack of creativity, and will turn people away from my stellar posts simply by being bland. Okay, now that that's off my chest.... A RANDOM UPDATE!
  • Remembrance Day poppies are important. Buy one, support the veterans, and remember the contributions of those who fought and died for our country and for the freedoms so many of us enjoy.
  • Remebrance Day poppies are also dangerous. I caught my right thumb on the stickpin on my poppy last night, and slit it open from end to end. Six bandaids later, it looks like I've been involved in some sort of major catastrophe, but I've really just demonstrated my innate ability to harm myself in the strangest ways. Now, it's only a flesh wound, not serious, but it's two and a half inches long, was bleeding, and looks gross. The bandaids were necessary, but will probably come off today, leaving my hyper-sensitive skin to display an ugly scar for the next several months.
  • Cleaning the bathroom is not a reccomended first activity for the day. I tried it this morning. Kind of a nasty way to begin your day.
  • I slept until nearly ten am this morning. Which would be fantastic, except that I woke up from my weirdest dream in a while. Funny how the strange ones always are the ones you wake up out of. It's nasty to start the day combating a shock, fear, whatever.
  • I slept through the night one night last week. Five straight hours, no nightmares. (It was the night I had the three hour conversation with my friend that I posted about.) I announced this good news to some friends I was having dinner with after church on Sunday night. They gave me a "so what" look that I found amusing. Their blank stares were quite funny. I had to explain that I haven't experienced that in something like two years, and it was definitely a fact worthy of announcement.
  • I've had a crazy "God" week. He's been showing up in my life in ways I never would have expected, and never would have wanted, and I've had to go along for the ride. And it's been good, crazy, but good.
  • Never pray, "God, my life is open to you." Or do, but expect strangeness to abound! My friends laughed at me last night as I described some of the crazier events of this past week. I've begun referring to them as "Lisa's crazy charismatic moments." I'm somewhat bemused by the whole thing. I want God so desperately. I love that he's showing up in my life. But the ways he's showing up are throwing me for a loop. I keep telling my friends when they laugh at my confusion - "you don't understand. I'm not from a background where things like this happen! I was okay with being the token conservative, non-charismatic in our group!"
  • Not that you're all ridiculously curious about my experiences of the last week, I'm not going to tell you. You can ask me in person, and maybe I'll share, or you can watch the blog, and, as some things become clearer, they may appear here - but really, if you ask me in person you'll get the full effect of my own bewilderment and sarcastic wit surrounding this - I can get a pretty good rant going if I'm feeling inspired, and this is inspiring me! And, based on the friends who've experienced that, it's guaranteed to make you laugh - at me, with me, because God is doing crazy things to me.
  • Last, but not least, I'm pumped to be going to see "Blue Like Jazz Live" on Friday night. You can find the trailer here. If you're in town, and are interested in coming with a bunch of us, the cost is $7, and you can call me for details!
  • Alrighty then. I think I'm done for the moment. Whew... feels good to get that all off my chest. I'm off to watch M*A*S*H* for a bit, possibly move some stuff back into my bedroom, and then head to work at 3. If you need to buy a wedding gift tonight, I'm your girl - I'll be at work from 3-9 - stop in and see me!