Thursday, July 28, 2005

Waiting and Thinking

Someone asked me what's been going on since my last post. Well, here it is in point form!
  • I greatly enjoyed having two days in a row off. I made it up to the mountains on the Saturday. I went on a day hike to a lake with a group of people I wouldn't necessarily have chosen (if I'd had my own way!) to spend the day with, but with whom I had a very good time. There's something incredibly refreshing about time spent in creation, away from the cares that way so heavily on my heart the rest of the time. Time spent enjoying God's artwork in nature seems to always be worthwhile.
  • I connected with several friends, and have continued that process into this week. I love being part of a community that really enjoys spending time together. I love the random places that you can connect with people for an awesome conversation. I had a fantastic conversation about what it is like to live with fear and depression with two friends on Sunday night after church, sitting in a pub and enjoying good food and good company.
  • I continue to struggle deeply with my own fears and depression. However, another conversation on Tuesday night has left me with much to process and respond to. I am grateful for the people in my life who offer challenges and gentle rebukes, rather than simply offering platitudes. Conversations with these people are rarely easy to walk away from, but are almost always worth the turmoil they tend to generate.
  • I am working for something like the next eight straight days, followed by a five day mini-vacation during which I may or may not leave town. In between working, I have filled my free evenings and mornings with people rather than a blog! I have been reminded again recently that it is important for me to not allow writing to become my only forum of connection with others, so I am trying to connect with a number of friends this week. All this to say that blogging will likely be a bit scarce again for the next couple of weeks!